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DCLM Daily Manna Devotionals – Lay It Aside!

DCLM Daily Manna Devotionals 12th November 2021 - Lay It Aside!

DCLM Daily Manna Devotionals 12th November 2021 - Lay It Aside!
Topic: Lay It Aside!

Text: Song Of Solomon 2:10-17

Key Verse: “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” - (Song of Solomon 2:15)


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Corrie Ten Boom and her family resisted the Nazis by hiding Jews in their home. They were eventually discovered and sent to a concentration camp. But after surviving the horrors of the camp through her faith in God, she encountered one of the most cruel Nazi guards at her meeting in Munich in 1947 where she had been speaking about forgiveness. Her heart froze within when she recognised the man who had tortured her sister to death. Though it was very difficult, Corrie forgave the guard who later became a Christian.

The story that runs through the Song of Solomon is that of love; the love of Christ for His beloved bride, the Church. In the verses under consideration, an atmosphere of peace and tranquility is painted. The environment is friendly and conducive. Solomon then warns against allowing little foxes into the vineyard as they could alter the rhythm and put an end to the love and peace that prevailed in the relationship and bring bitterness after the sweetness.

The home is supposed to be a place of love, peace, harmony and trust among the husband, wife and children. Many times, what changes the rhythm might just be a little issue, so minute like the little fox that enters into the once peaceful and joyful environment and alters everything. As husbands and wives, we must not make mountains out of molehills. We should take the little foxes of suspicion, lack of trust, keeping a register of offenses away before it deals an irreparable blow to the relationship we have labored to build over the years.

We must not forget that little matters left unresolved grow into insurmountable mountains of division if we do not resolve and talk them over immediately. We must forgive all offenses and let go of bitterness so the bliss can continue.

Thought For The Day: Little foxes destroy fellowship.

The Bible In One Year: Ezekiel 3-5

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