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[Articles]: How Was Your Worship Part 2 – Sola Allyson

How Was Your Worship [Part 2] – Sola Allyson
Nigeria renowned gospel artiste, Shola Allyson has given an in-depth analysis on her message titled "How was your worship” series.

Christian Feeds recalls that Shola Allyson took to her social media in part 1 to ask   her fans and followers how worship was?

[Articles]: How Was Your Worship Part 1 – Sola Allyson

In the part 2 of the series, her followers commended her for bringing to their understanding what true worship is.

She has said that worship is not limited to church service, giving gestures while singing but giving worship in our thoughts, words and actions.

Read the full article below

“In the post that I did yesterday, I asked "how was YOUR worship today"? But because we always assume, we know what's being said without being patient to consider before responding, most people thought I asked how service or church was.

Do you get it now? You enjoyed and was blessed with the worship session and the word, but YOUR OWN gangan ńkọ́?

That's the same thing I'm doing now, and that I probably would do for the rest of this week "HOW IS YOUR WORSHIP"?

I hope you realize that EVERYTHING you do is worship. Your thoughts, your words, your actions. Worship is NOT ONLY when you sing or close your eyes or bow down or raise your hands. Those moments when we do these are beautiful but the most complete and acceptable worship is the totality of the life we live.

No one might see you in your own space, but EVERYTHING you do in and out of your space contributes to the world we have now and determines the world YOU will have. And that largely also determines how "happy" the MAKER of this world Would be with you.

How is your worship in The FATHER'S World? The world in your own world...?

Whatever is GOD'S Law is not so that you won't be free to enjoy life, it is so that you would know how to navigate aright in this life so that your own life would be a life of joy.

For example, do not fornicate is not so that you won't "enjoy" but so that you can avoid psychological and even physiological issues which would affect your well-being on the long run...!

Do not lie is so that you won't hurt the other person, consequences of which would wait for you sometime as you go on and would cause you sadness which may affect you throughout your own life. Mo kàn f'ìyẹn ṣ'example ni. Ẹ gẹ́t? 😊

As we go this week, may we WORSHIP in truth, in all we think, speak and do, at work, at school, in the family, with friends, even when fights need to be fought and we need to stand our ground, and all of life. For therein lie the peace and success all souls crave.

May we not struggle in the wrong things and later come to see they're not worth it. May we not live wasted lives! May we have clarity. May we have godly wisdom. May we get understanding.

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