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[Sermon]: Sustaining the New Wave of Glory – Pastor Adeboye | Day 7

Day 7 of the RCCG Annual Convention Programme – Thanksgiving Service

Day 7 of the RCCG Annual Convention Programme – Thanksgiving Service

Topic: Sustaining the New Wave of Glory

Text: Galatians 5:1

Paul spoke directly to the Galatians about sustaining their blessings.

• God has no problem in releasing the blessings, but we have a part in retaining the blessings.

• God's part cannot fail, but we have our own part to play. Genesis 17:1

• The man who got his healing from lameness, was told by Jesus not to go back to his sin, so something worse than the 38-year illness would not be his portion. John 5: 1-14

How to sustain the new wave of glory:

1. Stay connected to God. Genesis 1:3, Exodus 3:14, John 15: 1-10

• Any river that is not connected to its source will dry up.

2. Become His ambassador. Exodus 5:1; 9:1-3, 2 Corinthians 5:20

3. Obedience. Isaiah 1:19, I Samuel 15:22, 1 Kings 19

• Partial, incomplete, adjusted and delayed obedience are not the true form of obedience.

4. Faithfulness in all areas of life.

5. We need to cultivate the heart of thanksgiving. Psalm 103: 1-5, Luke 17: 12-19

• Make your appreciation greater than your expectation. 1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 5:10

Malachi 2: 1-2

Salvation Call:

You cannot genuinely appreciate God if you haven't given your life to Jesus.

Cry unto Him for mercy and salvation of your soul.

Prayer Point: Thank God for all He has done for you during this convention.

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